
Ag-tech for everyone
Ag-tech for everyone
What We Do
OmniPonics provides systems and trainings for turning animal manure into organic liquid fertilizer

We take animal manure and naturally convert that into hyperavailable micronutrients that:
Contain biostimulants like fulvic acid
Are made water soluble (for faster nutrient uptake)
This fertilized water can be used in:
Hydroponic growing equipment
Drip irrigation system
In open or closed soil cultivation
The fertilizer is produced in a bio-reactor using a patented process developed by Integrated Agriculture Systems Inc (INTAG).
The bio-reactor is an environment designed to house California composting worms (Eisenia fetida) such that they live, reproduce and consume the waste product introduced to the bed. The worms, in turn, naturally produce a manure which is a ready water soluble and sustainable fertilizer.
About Bio-reactor
Taking the bio-reactor as the core element of a production system, there are numerous configurations and uses they provide, including:
Connecting with aquaculture systems for use in aquaponics
Converting natural waste streams for use in hydroponic equipment such as deep water culture float beds (DWC) Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)
Connecting to drip irrigation systems
Using in classroom and educational locations for providing experiential learning opportunities in STEM and TVET disciplines
Using in research and development facilities
Producing alternatives to artificial mineral salt based nutrient solutions used in hydroponics.
Benefits and Advantages
The INTAG bio-reactor

Combined with hydroponic equipment, OmniPonics systems:
Save water, using a recirculating system to reuse/recycle water continuously, using 90% less water than traditional soil agriculture
Produce clean, sustainable organic herbs, vegetables and fruits, free of toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizers
Make efficient use of space, particularly in urban settings, to grow plants in higher density
Are readily installed, requiring simple equipment and a source of electricity
Are eminently scalable, for nearly any geography
Provide potential organic nutrient solution for commercial hydroponic production
Save time, money and valuable natural resources.

Aquaponic fertilizer advantages over traditional hydroponic nutrient solutions are:

Less expensive
More immune to supply chain disruptions as product is not reliant on market forces for supply of micronutrient inputs
Produced locally and/or on site
Cleaner, as they do not produce harmful mineral salt byproducts
Require less nutrient input to produce similar growth results
Produces delicious, full flavored fruits, vegetables and herbs, as compared to hydroponically grown products.
Get a Free Consultation
System Design and Build for use in/with:

Controlled Environment Agriculture by providing consultation on greenhouse requirements for optimal production
Training and Education Centers that provide:
  • Environments conducive to workforce and job skills development
  • Opportunities for working with state-of-the-art agriculture technology
Classrooms that provide:
  • Systems of different sizes and configurations for use in the classroom or school greenhouse
  • Experiential learning opportunities in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and TVET (technical and vocational education and training) disciplines
Organic fertilizer production for use with ponic style systems
Waste stream conversion to organic fertilizer

Training and Educational Services

Access to STEM based curriculum
Training in controlled environment ponics style organic agriculture
Connections to international agriculture organizations and institutions
MAquaponics LLC
MAquaponics LLC is a project of OmniPonics NGO, located in the village of Ddmashen in Gegharkunik region.
MAquaponics uses an aquaponic system to organically produce fresh herbs and vegetables. Aquaponics combines hydroponics (growing food without soil) and aquaculture (raising fish) to produce chemical and pesticide free fresh food. This differs from hydroponics which uses chemical solutions to grow food.

MAquaponics also uses waste streams from other animals (chicken, rabbits, cows) to produce organic fertilizer for use in drip irrigation or hydroponic systems. MAquaponics uses a licensed bio-reactor process developed by a company called Integrated Agriculture Systems (INTAG) that is able to convert various waste streams into highly bio-available chelated micronutrients.
Commercial greenhouse using aquaponic (aquaculture + ponics) food production.
Training center designed to:
Use bio-reactors to convert rabbit waste to organic fertilizer
Grow organic blueberries and other high value crops
Serve as a training center for waste-to-fertilizer processes.
Ddmashen - organic fertilizer production research and development using waste streams from:
Cow manure that has previously undergone a bio-gas removal process.
Hybrid education/commercial system designed to:
Provide STEM and TVET experiential learning opportunities for students
Serve as a training center hub for waste-to-fertilizer processes
Cover operating expenses to achieve long term sustainability.
Partnerships and Collaborations
Companies we trust